for Java developers

JavaScript for Java Developers

📒 JavaScript
⏱️ 2-5 hours
✏️ Last update

Welcome to the exciting world of JavaScript! As a Java developer, you’re about to embark on a journey that will expand your programming horizons and open up new possibilities in web development.

Why learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development, powering interactive and dynamic user interfaces across billions of websites. As a versatile language, it’s not just limited to the browser; with Node.js, you can use JavaScript for server-side programming, making it a full-stack solution. Learning JavaScript will significantly broaden your skill set, allowing you to create everything from responsive web applications to real-time server systems, and even mobile and desktop apps using frameworks like React Native or Electron.

What You’ll Learn

  • How JavaScript’s dynamic typing and flexible syntax differ from Java’s strict typing
  • The power of functions as first-class citizens and their role in JavaScript’s programming paradigms
  • Asynchronous programming techniques using callbacks, promises, and async/await
  • Object-oriented programming in JavaScript and how it compares to Java’s class-based system
  • DOM manipulation and event handling for creating interactive web applications
  • Modern JavaScript features and best practices for writing clean, efficient code

Course Content

Lesson 1: Getting Started with JavaScript Jump to lesson
- Setting up a JavaScript development environment - JavaScript in the browser vs. Node.js - Writing and running your first JavaScript program - Comparing JavaScript and Java: syntax overview and key differences
Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, and Basic Operators Jump to lesson
- Variable declaration: var, let, and const - Dynamic typing in JavaScript vs. static typing in Java - Primitive data types: number, string, boolean, null, undefined - Object and symbol types - Type coercion and equality operators (== vs. ===) - Arithmetic and logical operators
Lesson 3: Control Structures and Functions Jump to lesson
- If/else statements and the ternary operator - Switch statements and their quirks in JavaScript - Loops: for, while, do-while, and for...of - Function declaration vs. function expressions - Arrow functions and their syntax - Default parameters and rest parameters
Lesson 4: Arrays and Objects Jump to lesson
- Creating and manipulating arrays - Array methods: push, pop, shift, unshift, slice, splice - Functional array methods: map, filter, reduce - Objects as associative arrays - Object creation and property access - Object methods and 'this' keyword
Lesson 5: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions Jump to lesson
- String methods and their usage - Template literals for string interpolation - Creating and using regular expressions - String matching and replacement with regex
Lesson 6: Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript Jump to lesson
- Prototypal inheritance vs. class-based inheritance - ES6 class syntax and its relation to Java classes - Constructor functions and the 'new' keyword - Inheritance using extends and super - Encapsulation and private fields with '#'
Lesson 7: Functional Programming Concepts Jump to lesson
- First-class functions and higher-order functions - Pure functions and side effects - Closures and their applications - Partial application and currying - Composing functions
Lesson 8: Asynchronous Programming Jump to lesson
- Callbacks and callback hell - Promises and their methods (then, catch, finally) - Async/await syntax - Event loop and non-blocking I/O - Comparison with Java's threading model
Lesson 9: Error Handling and Debugging Jump to lesson
- Try-catch blocks and throwing exceptions - The Error object and its properties - Custom error types - Debugging tools in browsers and Node.js - Common JavaScript pitfalls for Java developers
Lesson 10: Modules and Package Management Jump to lesson
- ES6 modules: import and export statements - CommonJS modules in Node.js - NPM and package.json - Managing dependencies - Bundlers and their role (brief overview)
Lesson 11: Advanced JavaScript Features Jump to lesson
- Destructuring assignments - Spread and rest operators - Symbol type and its uses - Iterators and generators - Proxies and Reflect API
Lesson 12: JavaScript in the Browser Jump to lesson
- The Document Object Model (DOM) - Event handling and the event loop - Browser storage options (localStorage, sessionStorage) - Making HTTP requests with fetch API - Comparison with Java applets and JavaFX