for Java developers
Python for Java Developers
2-5 hours
Last update
Welcome to Python for Java Developers! Get ready to embark on an exciting journey that will expand your programming toolkit and open up new possibilities in your coding career.
Why learn Python?
Python’s versatility and simplicity make it an invaluable addition to any Java developer’s skill set. As one of the most popular programming languages, Python is widely used in data science, web development, artificial intelligence, and automation. Its clean syntax and extensive libraries allow for rapid development, making it an excellent choice for prototyping and solving complex problems efficiently. By learning Python, you’ll broaden your career opportunities and gain a powerful tool for tackling a wide range of programming challenges.
What You’ll Learn
- How to leverage your Java knowledge to quickly grasp Python’s syntax and concepts
- The key differences between Python and Java, including dynamic typing and indentation-based structure
- Python’s powerful built-in data structures and how they compare to Java equivalents
- Object-oriented programming in Python and how it differs from Java’s approach
- Functional programming features in Python that can enhance your coding style
- Python’s unique features and best practices that set it apart from other languages
Course Content
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Python
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## Setting Up Python
- Installing Python
- Choosing an IDE (PyCharm, VS Code)
- Running your first Python script
## Python vs Java: Key Differences
- Interpreted vs compiled
- Dynamic vs static typing
- Indentation-based syntax vs braces
- Python's design philosophy
Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, and Basic Operators
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- Dynamic typing in Python vs static typing in Java
- Python's basic data types (int, float, str, bool)
- Type inference and type hints
- Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators
- The `None` type vs Java's `null`
Lesson 3: Control Structures and Functions
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- if/elif/else statements
- for and while loops
- Differences in loop syntax and behavior
- Defining and calling functions
- Default arguments and keyword arguments
- Lambda functions vs Java's anonymous functions
Lesson 4: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
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- Python lists vs Java arrays
- List comprehensions
- Tuples: Immutable sequences
- Dictionaries: Python's equivalent to Java's HashMap
- Sets and their operations
Lesson 5: String Manipulation and Input/Output
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- String methods and operations
- Formatting strings: f-strings vs Java's String.format()
- Reading input with input()
- File I/O operations
- Context managers (with statement) vs Java's try-with-resources
Lesson 6: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
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- Defining classes and methods
- Constructor method (__init__)
- Instance variables vs class variables
- Inheritance and method overriding
- Python's approach to access modifiers
- Multiple inheritance vs Java's interfaces
Lesson 7: Modules and Packages
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- Importing modules and packages
- Creating your own modules
- Python's standard library vs Java's standard library
- Package management with pip vs Maven/Gradle
Lesson 8: Exception Handling and Debugging
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- Try/except blocks vs Java's try/catch
- Raising exceptions
- Creating custom exceptions
- Debugging techniques in Python
- Logging in Python vs Java
Lesson 9: Functional Programming Features
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- First-class functions
- map(), filter(), and reduce()
- Decorators: Python's approach to metaprogramming
- Generator functions and expressions
- Iterators and the itertools module
Lesson 10: Advanced Python Concepts
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- List slicing and advanced sequence operations
- Comprehensions: List, Set, and Dictionary
- Type hinting and static type checking with mypy
Lesson 11: Concurrency and Asynchronous Programming
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- Threading in Python vs Java
- The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
- Multiprocessing in Python
- Asynchronous programming with asyncio
- Coroutines and the async/await syntax
Lesson 12: Python's Unique Features and Best Practices
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- Duck typing and EAFP (Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission)
- Python's approach to interfaces: Abstract Base Classes and Protocols
- Common Python idioms and patterns
- Performance considerations: PyPy and Cython