for JavaScript developers

Java for JavaScript Developers

📒 Java
⏱️ 2-5 hours
✏️ Last update

Welcome to’s Java for JavaScript Developers course! Get ready to expand your programming horizons and add a powerful, widely-used language to your toolkit.

Why learn Java?

Java’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy has made it a cornerstone of enterprise software development, Android app creation, and large-scale systems. By learning Java, you’ll open doors to a vast job market, gain insights into robust object-oriented programming, and understand the underpinnings of many modern frameworks. Plus, Java’s strong typing and compilation process will sharpen your coding practices, making you a better developer overall.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to leverage your JavaScript knowledge to quickly grasp Java concepts
  • The fundamentals of Java’s static typing system and object-oriented programming model
  • Techniques for building robust, scalable applications using Java’s rich ecosystem
  • Ways to handle concurrency and multithreading, expanding your programming capabilities
  • Best practices for Java development, including design patterns and testing methodologies
  • How to navigate Java’s extensive standard library and popular frameworks

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Jump to lesson
- Brief history and context of Java - Comparing Java's ecosystem with JavaScript's - Setting up a Java development environment - Writing and running your first Java program - Key differences in language philosophy and design
Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators Jump to lesson
- Java's static typing vs JavaScript's dynamic typing - Primitive types in Java and their JavaScript equivalents - Variable declaration and initialization syntax - Type inference with `var` (Java 10+) - Operators in Java: similarities and differences with JavaScript
Lesson 3: Control Structures and Functions Jump to lesson
- If/else statements and switch cases in Java - Loops: for, while, do-while, and enhanced for-loop - Method declaration and invocation in Java - Method overloading: a new concept for JavaScript developers - Static methods vs instance methods
Lesson 4: Object-Oriented Programming in Java Jump to lesson
- Classes and objects: Java's approach vs JavaScript's prototypes - Constructors and the `new` keyword - Access modifiers: public, private, protected - Inheritance and the `extends` keyword - Interfaces: Java's approach to multiple inheritance - Abstract classes and when to use them
Lesson 5: Java Collections Framework Jump to lesson
- Arrays in Java: fixed-size vs JavaScript's dynamic arrays - Lists, Sets, and Maps: Java's equivalent to JavaScript arrays and objects - Iterating over collections: for-each loop and iterators - Generics: achieving type safety in collections - Functional operations on collections (Java 8+)
Lesson 6: Exception Handling and Input/Output Jump to lesson
- Checked vs unchecked exceptions in Java - Try-catch blocks and the `finally` clause - The `throws` keyword and exception propagation - Working with files: Java's `File` class and I/O streams - Reading user input with `Scanner`
Lesson 7: Java Memory Management and Garbage Collection Jump to lesson
- Stack vs Heap memory in Java - Object lifecycle and garbage collection - The `finalize()` method and resource management - Best practices for efficient memory usage in Java - Comparing with JavaScript's memory management
Lesson 8: Functional Programming in Java Jump to lesson
- Lambda expressions in Java 8+ - Functional interfaces and the `@FunctionalInterface` annotation - Stream API for collection processing - Method references: shorthand lambda expressions
Lesson 9: Concurrency and Multithreading Jump to lesson
- Introduction to threads in Java - Runnable interface and extending Thread class - Synchronization and the `synchronized` keyword - Executors and thread pools - Comparing with JavaScript's event loop and asynchronous programming
Lesson 10: Java Modules and Package Management Jump to lesson
- Understanding Java packages - The module system introduced in Java 9 - Creating and using modules - Managing dependencies with build tools (Maven/Gradle) - Comparing with npm and JavaScript modules
Lesson 11: Advanced Java Features Jump to lesson
- Annotations and their uses in Java - Reflection API for runtime type information - Generics - Enums and their advantages over JavaScript alternatives - Optional class for null safety - The `record` class (Java 14+) for immutable data objects
Lesson 12: Java Best Practices and Ecosystem Jump to lesson
- Coding conventions and style guides in Java - Common design patterns in Java applications - Testing frameworks: JUnit and Mockito - Popular Java frameworks and libraries (Spring, Hibernate) - Java's role in enterprise development and Android