Modules and Packages

Welcome to our lesson on Python modules and packages! As JavaScript developers, you’re familiar with organizing code into separate files and using import/export statements. In this lesson, we’ll explore how Python handles code organization and compare it to JavaScript’s approach. Let’s dive in!

Importing Modules

In Python, modules are simply .py files containing Python code. Importing modules is straightforward and similar to JavaScript, but with some key differences:

# Python
import utils  # Imports the entire 'utils' module
from helpers import parseData  # Imports only 'parseData' function from 'helpers' module
// JavaScript
import utils from 'utils'; // Imports the default export from 'utils' module
import { parseData } from 'helpers'; // Imports named export 'parseData' from 'helpers' module

In Python, you can import entire modules or specific components, while in JavaScript, the default and named exports must be specified explicitly.

Creating and Using Packages

Packages in Python are directories containing multiple modules. They require an file (which can be empty) to be recognized as packages.

Python package structure:


Importing from packages:

from mypackage import module1
from mypackage.module2 import some_function

Namespace Packages

Python 3.3 introduced namespace packages, allowing packages without an file. These are useful for splitting a package across multiple directories, making it easier for large projects.

mypackage/ (in one directory)
mypackage/ (in another directory)

When to Use:

  • Use namespace packages for large, modular projects spanning multiple repositories.
  • Stick with for simpler package structures.

Python’s Standard Library vs. npm Ecosystem

Python comes with a rich standard library, often described as “batteries included”. Many common tasks can be accomplished without installing additional packages.

For example, working with CSV files:

# Python
import csv

with open('data.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for row in reader:
// JavaScript
import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import csvParser from 'csv-parser';

  .on('data', (row) => {

In Python, the csv module is part of the standard library, while in JavaScript, you would use a third-party package like csv-parser, which needs to be installed via npm. This showcases Python’s “batteries-included” philosophy compared to JavaScript’s reliance on npm for similar tasks. However, both have rich ecosystems (PyPI for Python, npm for JavaScript) for additional functionality.

As Python’s ecosystem and package management is an important topic, we have dedicated an entire lesson to it. Stay tuned!

Best Practices for Structuring Python Projects

When structuring Python projects, consider these best practices:

  1. Use clear, descriptive names for modules and packages.
  2. Keep related functionality together in modules.
  3. Use files to define package-level imports.
  4. Utilize relative imports within packages:
    from .module1 import some_function


Understanding Python’s module and package system is crucial for organizing your code effectively. While there are similarities with JavaScript’s module system, Python’s approach offers its own unique features and conventions.

In our next lesson, we’ll explore file I/O and exception handling in Python, comparing these concepts to their JavaScript counterparts. We’ll see how Python’s with statement and structured exception handling can make your code more robust and readable. Get ready to dive into managing files and errors in a Pythonic way!