for Python developers
Java for Python Developers
2-5 hours
Last update
Welcome to the world of Java! As a Python developer, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey that will expand your programming horizons and open up new opportunities.
Why learn Java?
Java is a versatile, powerful, and widely-used programming language that can significantly enhance your skill set. It’s the backbone of enterprise software development, Android app creation, and large-scale web applications. By learning Java, you’ll gain access to a vast job market and the ability to build robust, scalable applications across various platforms. Plus, Java’s strong typing and object-oriented nature will deepen your understanding of programming concepts.
What You’ll Learn
- How to leverage your Python knowledge to quickly grasp Java concepts
- The fundamentals of Java syntax and its object-oriented programming model
- Key differences between Python and Java, including static typing and compilation
- Java’s approach to concurrency and memory management
- How to work with Java’s rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks
- Best practices for writing efficient and maintainable Java code
Course Content
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Java
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- Setting up a Java development environment (JDK, IDE)
- Understanding the Java ecosystem (JVM, bytecode)
- Writing and running your first Java program
- Comparing Java's compilation process to Python's interpretation
- Basic syntax differences: semicolons, braces, and static typing
Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
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- Java's primitive types vs. Python's dynamic typing
- Declaring and initializing variables in Java
- Type inference with 'var' (Java 10+)
- Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators
- Operator precedence and associativity
- Type conversion and casting
Lesson 3: Control Structures and Functions
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- If-else statements and switch expressions
- Loops: for, while, do-while, and enhanced for-loop
- Defining and calling methods in Java
- Method overloading (not available in Python)
- Static vs. instance methods
- Varargs and default arguments
Lesson 4: Arrays and Collections
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- Arrays in Java: fixed-size vs. Python's dynamic lists
- Java Collections Framework: List, Set, Map
- ArrayList and LinkedList implementations
- HashSet and TreeSet for unique elements
- HashMap and TreeMap for key-value pairs
- Iterating over collections: for-each loop and iterators
Lesson 5: Object-Oriented Programming in Java
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- Classes and objects: similarities and differences to Python
- Constructors and the 'new' keyword
- Access modifiers: public, private, protected, package-private
- Inheritance and the 'extends' keyword
- Abstract classes and interfaces
- Method overriding and the '@Override' annotation
Lesson 6: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions
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- String class and its immutability
- StringBuilder for efficient string concatenation
- Common string methods and their Python equivalents
- Regular expressions with the Pattern and Matcher classes
- Formatting strings: printf-style and String.format()
Lesson 7: Exception Handling and Input/Output
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- Checked vs. unchecked exceptions
- Try-catch blocks and the finally clause
- Creating custom exceptions
- File I/O operations using and java.nio.file
- Working with streams for efficient I/O
- Serialization and deserialization of objects
Lesson 8: Generics and Collections Framework
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- Introduction to generics: type safety and reusability
- Generic classes and methods
- Wildcards and bounded type parameters
- Collections with generics
- Comparable and Comparator interfaces for sorting
Lesson 9: Functional Programming in Java
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- Lambda expressions and functional interfaces
- Method references
- Stream API for collection processing
- Optional class for null safety
- Functional programming constructs compared to Python
Lesson 10: Concurrency and Multithreading
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- Creating and managing threads in Java
- Synchronization and the 'synchronized' keyword
- Concurrent collections
- ExecutorService and thread pools
- CompletableFuture for asynchronous programming
- Comparing Java's concurrency model with Python's GIL and asyncio
Lesson 11: Java Memory Management and Performance
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- Java's automatic memory management vs. Python's
- Understanding the garbage collector
- Stack vs. heap memory
- Memory leaks and how to avoid them
- Profiling and optimizing Java applications
- Best practices for writing efficient Java code
Lesson 12: Advanced Java Features
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- Annotations and their uses
- Reflection API for runtime introspection
- Java modules (introduced in Java 9)
- Pattern matching (preview feature)
- Records for immutable data classes
- Sealed classes for restricting inheritance