Error Handling and Debugging

In this lesson, we’ll explore how JavaScript handles errors and debugging, comparing it to your existing knowledge of Python. Understanding these concepts is crucial for writing robust and maintainable code in any language.

Try/Catch Blocks

JavaScript, like Python, uses try/catch blocks for error handling. The syntax is similar, but there are some key differences:

// JavaScript
try {
  // Code that might throw an error
  throw new Error("Something went wrong");
} catch (error) {
  console.error("An error occurred:", error.message);
} finally {
  console.log("This always runs");

In Python, you’re used to:

# Python
    # Code that might raise an exception
    raise Exception("Something went wrong")
except Exception as error:
    print("An error occurred:", str(error))
    print("This always runs")

Key differences:

  • JavaScript uses throw instead of raise
  • The catch block in JavaScript doesn’t require specifying an exception type
  • JavaScript uses new Error() to create error objects, while Python uses various exception classes

Custom Errors

In JavaScript, you can create custom errors by extending the Error class:

// JavaScript
class CustomError extends Error {
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); = "CustomError";

try {
  throw new CustomError("This is a custom error");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof CustomError) {
    console.error("Caught custom error:", error.message);
  } else {
    console.error("Caught unknown error:", error);

This is similar to creating custom exceptions in Python, but the syntax for class inheritance is different.

Debugging Techniques

Console Methods

JavaScript offers various console methods for debugging, similar to Python’s print() function:

// JavaScript
console.log("Basic logging");
console.error("Error message");
console.warn("Warning message");
console.table([{ name: "John", age: 30 }, { name: "Jane", age: 25 }]);

The console.table() method is particularly useful for displaying tabular data, which doesn’t have a direct equivalent in Python.


In JavaScript, you can set breakpoints in your code using the debugger statement:

// JavaScript
function someFunction() {
  let x = 5;
  debugger; // Execution will pause here if dev tools are open
  return x * 2;

This is similar to using pdb.set_trace() in Python, but it’s built into the language and doesn’t require importing a module.

Browser Developer Tools

When working with JavaScript in the browser, you have access to powerful developer tools. These tools allow you to:

  • Inspect the DOM
  • View and manipulate local storage and cookies
  • Monitor network requests
  • Profile performance
  • Debug JavaScript code

To access these tools, you can usually press F12 or right-click and select “Inspect” in most modern browsers.

Common Pitfalls for Python Developers

  1. Hoisting: Unlike Python, JavaScript hoists variable declarations (but not initializations) to the top of their scope:
// JavaScript
console.log(x); // Outputs: undefined
var x = 5;
  1. Equality comparisons: JavaScript has both == (loose equality) and === (strict equality). Always use === unless you have a specific reason not to, as it’s more similar to Python’s ==.

  2. Asynchronous code: JavaScript’s asynchronous nature can be confusing for Python developers. Remember that code execution doesn’t always happen in the order it’s written.

  3. Scope issues: The this keyword in JavaScript can be tricky. Its value depends on how a function is called, unlike Python’s self.

  4. Truthy and falsy values: JavaScript has more falsy values than Python. For example, 0 and "" (empty string) are falsy in JavaScript but truthy in Python.


Error handling and debugging are crucial skills for any developer. While JavaScript and Python share some similarities in these areas, there are important differences to keep in mind. Remember to leverage the powerful browser developer tools when working with JavaScript, and always be mindful of JavaScript’s unique behaviors, especially around scoping and asynchronous code.

In the next lesson, we’ll explore advanced JavaScript features, diving into concepts like destructuring assignments, rest and spread operators, and more. These features will help you write more concise and powerful JavaScript code, building on the foundations we’ve established so far.