for JavaScript developers
Python for JavaScript Developers
2-5 hours
Last update
Welcome to’s Python for JavaScript Developers course! Get ready to leverage your JavaScript expertise and dive into the powerful world of Python programming.
Why learn Python?
Python’s versatility and readability make it a top choice for developers across various domains. From web development and data science to artificial intelligence and automation, Python’s extensive ecosystem offers tools for nearly every programming need. Learning Python alongside your JavaScript skills will significantly broaden your career opportunities and enhance your problem-solving capabilities in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
What You’ll Learn
- Master Python’s syntax and core concepts, building on your JavaScript knowledge
- Understand Python’s unique features and how they compare to JavaScript equivalents
- Explore object-oriented and functional programming paradigms in Python
- Dive into Python’s robust standard library and popular third-party packages
- Learn best practices for writing clean, efficient, and Pythonic code
- Develop practical skills in file handling, testing, and asynchronous programming with Python
Course Content
Lesson 1: Python Basics: From JS to Py
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Introduction to Python's syntax and how it compares to JavaScript. Covers:
- Python's indentation-based structure vs. JS's curly braces
- Variables and data types: dynamic typing in both languages
- Basic operators and their similarities/differences
- Python's `print()` vs. JS's `console.log()`
Side note on Python's philosophy and the importance of readability.
Lesson 2: Control Structures and Functions
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Exploring control flow in Python:
- `if`/`elif`/`else` vs. JS's `if`/`else if`/`else`
- Python's `for` loops and `while` loops compared to JS
- List comprehensions: a Pythonic way to transform data
- Defining and calling functions in Python
- Default arguments and variable-length arguments
Best practices for writing Pythonic functions vs. JavaScript conventions.
Lesson 3: Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
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Comparing Python's core data structures to JavaScript:
- Lists vs. JS arrays: similarities and unique Python methods
- Tuples: Python's immutable sequences (no direct JS equivalent)
- Dictionaries vs. JS objects: syntax and common operations
- Sets: Python's unordered collections
Discussion on when to use each data structure in Python projects.
Lesson 4: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
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OOP concepts in Python compared to JavaScript:
- Class definition and instantiation
- Methods and the `self` parameter vs. JS's `this`
- Inheritance and method overriding
- Python's `super()` vs. JS's `super`
- Multiple inheritance in Python (not available in JS)
Exploring Python's approach to encapsulation and data privacy.
Lesson 5: Modules and Packages
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Managing code organization in Python:
- Importing modules: `import` statements vs. JS's `require`/`import`
- Creating and using packages
- Python's standard library vs. npm ecosystem
Best practices for structuring Python projects compared to JavaScript projects.
Lesson 6: File I/O and Exception Handling
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Working with files and handling errors in Python:
- Reading and writing files: Python's `with` statement
- JSON handling in Python vs. JavaScript
- Exception handling: `try`/`except`/`finally` vs. JS's `try`/`catch`/`finally`
- Creating custom exceptions.
Lesson 7: Functional Programming in Python
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Functional programming features in Python:
- First-class functions and higher-order functions
- `lambda` functions vs. JS arrow functions
- `map()`, `filter()`, and `reduce()` in Python and JS
Comparison of functional programming paradigms in Python and JavaScript.
Lesson 8: Asynchronous Programming with Python
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Managing asynchronous operations in Python:
- Coroutines and the `async`/`await` syntax (similar to JS)
- Python's `asyncio` library vs. JS's `Promise`
- Event loops in Python and JavaScript
- Asynchronous context managers
Exploring differences in async patterns between Python and JavaScript.
Lesson 9: Python's Unique Features
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Diving into Python-specific concepts:
- Generators and the `yield` keyword
- Context managers and the `with` statement
- Decorators for classes
- Type hinting in Python (comparison to TypeScript)
Discussion on how these features enhance Python's expressiveness and productivity.
Lesson 10: Testing and Debugging in Python
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Ensuring code quality in Python:
- Unit testing with `unittest` (vs. Jest in JS)
- Debugging tools and techniques
- Logging in Python vs. JavaScript
- Code linting and formatting tools
Best practices for writing testable and maintainable Python code.
Lesson 11: Python's Ecosystem and Package Management
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Navigating Python's rich ecosystem:
- PyPI and `pip` vs. npm
- Virtual environments and dependency management
- Popular Python frameworks and libraries (e.g., Django, Flask)
- Jupyter notebooks for interactive development
Comparison of Python and JavaScript ecosystems for various domains (web, data science, etc.).
Lesson 12: Advanced Python Concepts
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Exploring advanced features in Python:
- Metaclasses and class decorators
- Descriptors and properties
- Iterators and iterables
- Coroutines and asynchronous generators
Discussion on how these concepts compare to advanced JavaScript patterns and when to use them.